『繫』爵士二重奏 Connected

  • 2023/10/25 (三) ~ 2023/10/28 (六)
  • 臺北市 大同區 迪化街一段82號永樂春風茶館 No. 82, Section 1, Dihua St, Datong District, Taipei City

Regular Admission: $1,200NTD


◆Admission to the performance is strictly based on ticket entry; lost or damaged tickets will not be reissued. For ticket-related inquiries, please contact customer service.

◆One person, one ticket for entry; ticket refunds are subject to handling fees, and no refunds will be processed within eight days before the performance.

◆In case of any force majeure factors, event cancellation, or rescheduling, a new date will be announced.

◆The organizer reserves the right to change the details of this event.

◆Entry for the audience will be allowed 30 minutes before the start of the performance.

◆Food and drinks are not allowed inside the venue.

◆Arts sponsorship ticket rewards: One "Connected" signed album, VIP seating for the "Connected" jazz duet concert, one ticket to the "TTTIFA Dance Party" on October 29th.

疫情期間美國接連發生種族事件,黑人平權運動Black Lives Matter,以及反仇視亞洲人運動Stop Asian Hate,激發身為亞洲和非裔美洲人兩人的創作慾望,想藉由音樂,療癒一路上因為身份、⻆色遇到的各種經驗;也因為疫情,暸解到人類都是連結在一起的,從病毒的傳播,理解到分化彼此已是無用,人類可以借助彼此的力量、勇氣、互相照顧活得更有創意更自由。

魯千千與Richie Goods將在大樂房帶來為期四天的演出,同一組團隊,搭配不同的觀眾,將會展現不同的化學反應,一起來成為這特別體驗之中的一員!機會難得,不容錯過!


Connected樂團成軍於疫情期間。成員Richie Goods與Chien Chien 欲透過音樂向聽眾傳遞愛與和平的訊息。結合了貝斯與鐵琴,創造出興奮、刺激,顫動人心的樂曲,與聽眾產生強大的「連結」。

魯千千與Richie Goods皆畢業於Berklee Music School,目前定居美國,千千為知名小號手Jeremy Pelt五重奏團員,2020年首張個人專輯《行The Path》連續20週名列爵士排行榜前20名;Richie Good為紐約知名貝斯手,參與多次錄音,擔任多位歌手伴奏,曾與Mulgrew Miller、Chris Botti、Geoffrey Keezer、Antonio Hart等多位頂尖爵士樂手合作過。

CONNECTED, comprising rising jazz vibraphone star Chien Chien Lu and one of New York’s most in-demand bassists, Pittsburgh-born Richie Goods, was formed during the Covid-19 lockdown. Richie and Chien Chien had frequent conversations about the Black Lives Matter movement and the unwarranted hate crimes against Asian. These stellar musicians, already well-known internationally, decided to create a project that would unify people and invoke imagery of love and peace.


  • 0225521367
  • ask@tttifa.com